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Writers block

Writer: markcrump2010markcrump2010

writers block.

I think I’ve got writers block again,

It’s driving me berserk ,

I was going to write some jokes about the unemployed,

but none of them seemed to work.

I’m struggling to get any words at all ,

written down on the page,

all I can think of is questions,  like,

what’s the youngest you can be, if you die of old age.

Some fellow writers gave me some suggestions,

about when it happens to them,  how they cope and what they do,

don’t you just hate it when people answer their own questions,

I do

They were only trying to help to be fair,

they did have good intentions,

but my mind  kept wondering and I found myself thinking,

“what would it be like if there were no hypothetical questions?”

We’ve all had writers block at some time,

I’m sure it has happened to all of us,

but right now I’m actually wondering,

is there another word for thesaurus?

I decided I just had to concentrate,

concentrate and do things properly,

then a thought popped into my head,

Is it fair that only one company makes the board game monopoly?

Now the dog’s barking,  he wants to go out,

I think I’m going to have to admit defeat,

however, it’s just occurred to me why dogs are such bad dancers,

I think it’s because they’ve got  two left feet .

I’m glad I’m not working to a deadline,

because it would probably go down to the wire,

anyway , I’ll leave you with this…

What’s the difference between a poorly dressed man on a unicycle,

and a well dressed man on a bicycle? ……..attire

Mark Crump ©️nov 24


Alison Blevins
Alison Blevins
6 days ago

Yes - can relate to this and very entertaining too.


I think it's part of a poet's lot. Nothing wrong with writing a little jolly. It's like squirting WD40 on a rusty lock


Jim Read
Jim Read
Feb 28

Love the humour - has lightened my mood like the sun coming out on a gloomy day.


You have a great sense of humour in your poetry


Laughter is the best medicine apart from Madopar.

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