Beyond my reach, vanishing point,
horizon, skyline, to protect,
reliable, and ever there,
except for those would undermine.
They took no blame - though told alone -
no problem save their thieving selves,
so here we stand, no other can -
for you will carry can alone.
Rehearse blank verse, confessional,
my sorrow at what came to pass,
and broadcast that the other man,
not I, responsible for harm.
It was those lower, uppermost;
I followed orders if you will.
So we will hide, or not disclose
the true account in evidence.
They court opinion, but we judge
the system’s fair, we prosecute;
those noises off, but faint will fade,
as I still walk this path well-trod.
I hear the beat, my practised soles;
they filter out my soul, the pulse.
‘I don’t recall’, repeat refrain,
selective memory enjoyed.
I scanned the statements that you laid -
it took an hour; your years inside.
Pretence is in our DNA,
emails in shredder, lie MPs.
The legal beagles of our ken
will perjure, porkies to defend;
incompetent, or lying ends,
prefer we innocence, ourselves.
Another powerful piece which resonates with the postmasters scandal and all the tangled webs being weaved.
Yep! works for me, a seed from the prompt now in full bloom, thank you Stephen