Sometimes I like to sit and think,
But most times just like to sit.
'Cos when I think, I get confused
And can make no sense of it.
Round and round in circles
I try to work it out.
Come to a conclusion one day.
But the next day start to doubt.
Philosophers through the ages
Have tried to understand
What makes us what we are.
This complicated man.
So my theory is: keep it simple.
Don't try to work it out.
Enjoy each day God gives you.
That's what life is all about.
Love the poem ,both the delivery and message. If only sermons were that short, to the point, and easy to hear.
Nicely Said
Reminds me a little of an AA Milne poem Ioved as child, 'Halfway Down the Stair'. There's a lot to be said for keeping life simple. Great poem.
Seeds of thoughts do grow and often overtake. A simple life like you endorse is the best just not so easy to obtain. Loved the poem and its message. Good flow and rhyme.
😀 I like your verse. - Been there, done that...