We whisper it in prayers -
Are they listening?
We offer it as comfort -
Is it helping?
We write in a card -
To give it meaning.
As if it’s is something real -
Are we dreaming?
is hope a wish, a whim,
is hope a flight of fancy,
is hope - romantic notion,
is hope - the gift, we can’t see?
Hope is nothing tangible,
it’s not a thing to give away,
hope does not exist
within the platitudes we say -
so what is hope?
hope is bruises
hope is blood,
hope is crawling on all fours
hope is picking your self up
hope is fighting for what’s yours
hope is laughing at your troubles
hope is facing all your fears
hope is looking in the mirror
hope is wiping away tears
hope is looking at your half filled cup
and saying that it’s full
hope is all you are,
hope is an iron will.
Hope is what we offer
when there is nothing left to give
but we already have it
when we don’t give in, but choose to live.