Dead leaves, tea treasure chest, transport,
once caddy locked, Nilgiri hills,
one scoop for each plus ‘one for pot’,
then cosy capped against cool draught,
bone china cup with pinkie crooked,
more likely mug when comfort sought.
Restricted bag with lifting string,
but better loose, then strained with milk,
yet how the study, upturned cup,
those swirling specks in saucer tipped,
for seers and charlatans to treat.
What is our reading, comfort break,
the past consoled, or future meet?
A ceremony of the heart,
the kitchen table, treatment room.
Published by WayWords, The Writer's Workout, January 2024
This reminds me of my childhood and my mother making tea, I miss it and her.
Worthy of Ceremonial honours! Enjoyed every drop,
That reminds me
Tea for two anyone
(Earls Gray and Sandwich could get together)
Ceremony has been a casualty of PD here (takes too long!). Your poem has left me wondering whether it shouldn't be revived.