“Time gentlemen please” He shouted out with ease
A twinkle in his eye, a really popular guy
Except at closing time. It really is a crime
To serve after hours, as he stands and he glowers
Drink up, go home. I’m ignoring your moan
“Just one more beer as we’re all still here.”
I won’t break the law I will not pour.
Another drop, its time to stop.
I rang the bell and you know full well
It means Time when you hear the chime.
As the licensee it’s up to me,
I must insist, don’t you get the gist
When the last bell rings. Pick up your things
It’s time to go. So, don’t be slow
You’ll miss your bus. If you make a fuss
I’ll pour your drink right down the sink
Don’t ask why? just comply
Please don’t stay just go away
I’ll see you soon in the saloon.
When time is called don’t be appalled
Don’t create a stink it’s just a drink
When you next appear to buy a beer
Say “You’re right, I’m going to leave on time tonight.”
I agree with Nige, this would be great as a performance piece.
Would make a grand performance piece john!
Nice twist on the subject of time.
Nice one John. When it's time, it's time!