Three micro-haibun from the series-in-progress The Censored Poems
The very antithesis of cherry blossom. On the one hand and on the other. And in between
the torpid air of the mausoleum
morels, porcini, chanterelles
Play if you must. Laugh till you cry. But life is serious. The road is hard, paved with hunger, illness, war. Greed and envy. They will haunt you. Pick apples if you must. Oranges, figs. It won’t make any difference.
at the nudist beach
my sunglasses
Now that that illness accosted me and I stood up to it, I feel entitled to a few wisdoms.
minding the gap
the chilling beauty
of angels
First published in MacQueensquinterly, 1 Jan. 2923, issue 16.
Love them all but especially 'Off time'
Very good