2,351,635,200 seconds
39,193,920 minutes
653,232 hours
27,216 days
3,888 weeks
972 months
81 years
It is a simple truth -
that one cannot live forever.
Everything that is put upon this earth
must die,
whether it be
in a thousand years,
a thousand months,
or a thousand days,
it must come to an end.
And I suppose,
some things must begin their ending
as soon as they have begun;
the Scottish midge for example - lives less than a thousand hours.
Nevertheless -
you would know its’ impact
if you were trapped in a room with it.
Sometimes I wonder
when did I pass that point -
when did my beginning end
and my ending begin?
Then I think,
does it really matter?
After all, surely what’s more important – is whether,
just one of my thousand hours,
makes a better impression than the midge.