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The Last Five Minutes

Writer: Alison BlevinsAlison Blevins

I try not to be slow. I try to do more.

I’d rather not always, be last out the door

But buttons fight back and zippers are worse

Shoelaces impossible, belt buckles a curse.


So now I allow lots of time to get ready

For fingers that fumble and feet so unsteady

And I have a routine, to help things along

But it’s in the final five minutes, that things always go wrong.


The last five minutes are when things go awry

And no matter how organized, or how hard I try

There is always a ‘something’ that I need to do.

More often than not, it’s a trip to the loo.


An, ‘emergency wee’ a panic of sorts,

A 'just in case wee,’ so I don't get caught short.

So now I am rushing, I don’t want to be late

But really I know, now it’s all up to fate.


Because the more that I panic the slower I am

And now it feels like I’m moving through jam.

Next it’s the keys that get stuck in the lock,

I twist and I turn them but its like they're in rock.


I need a King Arthur to remove them for me

Then after perhaps, he'll get down on one knee,

And help to pick up the stuff dropped on the floor

When we wrestled the keys out of the door.


And the lesson to learn from this mayhem created,

So you too are not also, annoyed and frustrated.

You can take as much time, almost any amount

But it’s only the last five minutes that count.

6 hozzászólás

2024. ápr. 23.

Good stuff you’ve hit the nail on the head with this one….can we have some more please


Martin Pickard
Martin Pickard
2024. febr. 27.

So real, so true


Keith Trayling
Keith Trayling
2024. febr. 27.

Absolutely spot on, been there ,done that and still am, of course. And if it's going badly I start to panic and stress, that just makes it worse!! Such a worthwile community we have here. It needs a Parky to understand a Parky. Thanks for sharing Alison


Jarlath Busby
Jarlath Busby
2024. febr. 26.

So true!! Have I got my meds? Have I enough? Which pocket are they in? Etc Etc............


Rose Donaldson
Rose Donaldson
2024. febr. 26.

Oh my, that's me. I always think I can be faster to get out the door than i actually can. Zoom call this morning at 8.30. At computer 8.30....yay. pushed buttons trying to get in till 8.45?! No idea how that happened.

As always your poetry is so relatable.

Martin Pickard
Martin Pickard
2024. febr. 27.
Válasz címzettje:

And didn't they let you know you were late!

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