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The Giant's Causeway

Writer's picture: Stephen KingsnorthStephen Kingsnorth

A giant leap for humankind,

the step of Finn McCool ’tis said,

from Scottish Isles to Antrim coast,

his cause, say how a tale is led.

But what a stride across the sea

without his dipping, salty bath;

but such a move for even me,

to scoot from top down mountain path.

A narrow way, no passing bay,

as I leaned back to not fall out,

though would, if other scooter met

save drawing swords, with sticks, a bout.

A witch’s cauldron down beneath,

Atlantic breakers, crests that drooled,

where columns rise, hexagonal,

volcano lava, basalt cooled.

The winds rush-race, through foreign place,

runs deep amongst Armada wrecks,

familiars, black caws from daws,

here’s spellbound space of muttered hex.

I shiver, shake, PD and cold,

as wonder how she’ll climb steep back,

while tourists shout above the waves

their tongues whiplashed, stack poses snapped.

Titanic stance like drying shag

while wardens warn, unstable rocks,

as I sink deeper, borrowed gloves,

and fear, steer better, hands in socks.

Despite two cut-outs, pushing arms,

me straining forward, bike race style,

we gained our height, above the rage,

with wiser wagtails, waves, a mile.

For that ascent, with bellowed shouts,

‘I’m coming through’, to Japanese,

though reaching top, found ‘listening post’,

for spies; tour headphones; advice, skis?


Alison Blevins
Alison Blevins
Apr 03, 2023

Wonderful, a place I've always wanted to go and now so even more.


Unknown member
Mar 28, 2023

Some small steps are giant achievements. reminded me of a trip to friends in Belfast, I did in 2008. Reading this made me taste the salty air, hear birds cry and waves howl and feel the power of wind and weather up there. Thank you!

Stephen Kingsnorth
Stephen Kingsnorth
Mar 28, 2023
Replying to

We blamed the grandchildren for our decision not to tackle the Carrick-A-Rede rope bridge!


Dawson Stafford
Dawson Stafford
Mar 28, 2023

I know it well! You managed to discribe a typical visit to the Antrim north coast down to a tee. You would need a coat on your back in July or 'Its Baltic' as the the locals would say.


Keith Trayling
Keith Trayling
Mar 28, 2023

love it Stephen, so atmospheric. Felt i was there walking it with you

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