Not a literary masterpiece but when did you last read a poem with “vajazzled” in it? Apologies if this falls foul of the moderator- I could have the shortest career ever on the Poets Wall.
The Elephant in the Room
Technology news in today’s paper
The must have gadget, a “smart” vibrator
Space age computing and a mobile phone
Now harnessed just to make bored housewives moan
Years before girls got vajazzled or shaved
Nuns taught at school such self-help was depraved
Personally I could never see the harm
S’why God put hands at the end of your arms
No shame at all, get your hands down your pants
Now seems the mantra of agony aunts
Orgasms ensured- if as good as it sounds
A bargain in pink, just ninety-nine pounds
Completely hands-free, your pleasure will linger
You don’t even need to lift a finger
Audio linked it knows to go faster
When Gray gets rough and shows her who’s master
Covertly in place, wear it al fresco
Walking the dog or shopping at Tesco
Breathless and flushed- your red face wreathed in smiles
As you slide along the frozen food aisles
My response however’s one of rejection
A spare part now my morning erection *
Can it cuddle and share your hopes and fears
Or lend you a shoulder to shed your tears?
Or get the tops off jars or pour you gins
Or remember when to put out the bins
Or follow for hours as you trail the shops
Or tell white lies complimenting your tops
Or buy you chips and ribs at the Fat Pig
And reassure you your bum’s not too big
The ad claims it makes women empowered
No man required for getting deflowered
The hands -free element may have its perks
You could sort yourself while pressing my shirts**
I could watch the match while it sates your wishes
As you hoover the floor or wash the dishes
As you lie playing on the bed alone
It will send me a text, don’t hurry home
Marital problems are surely to loom
The sound of the elephant in the room
Before you purchase and pop down your thong
Just think of the things that might well go wrong
You may develop a sex addiction
Need a fix of unnatural friction
Chuff conditioned to moisten and tingle***
Pavlov’s response to the Nokia jingle
Womens’ bodies to men seem very strange
The bloody access codes constantly change
A one trick pony’s appeal soon’ll wear thin
Versus the frisson of skin against skin
* poetic license
** fantasy- I do the ironing
*** lady garden too many syllables
Welcome to the wall Jarlath and that was quite an entrance 🤣. Personally I loved it, I read it this morning and it certainly made me giggle and surely that is the best way to start the day.
Well it made me smile. Poetic insight can be found everywhere. Hoorah for cuddles.