The clock strikes twelve this winters night
From a heavy sky down pours the rain
Shoulders hunched and coat pulled tight
My optimism now starts to wain
Thoughts in my head I now debate
Why did I leave my safe abode?
Have I left it far too late
Am I alone on this hostile road?
Lightning strikes, fleeting shadows cast
I'm a grown man, I'm not a child
I tell myself I must hold fast
My imagination running wild
But only once do I look behind
Peer into the dark as I turn my head
There's nothing there that I can find
Does evil close behind me tread?
Superstition, but if so why
Do I start to quicken up my pace
My heart rate quickens, my mouth runs dry
What monster might I have to face?
A rancid odour fills the air
Faster and faster I start to run
This creature, tonight, has left it's lair
Is this the end, am I undone?
Can see no rescue from my plight
What ghastly beast could evil mutate
And stalk it's victims in the night?
Am I to face a grizzly fate?
I feel it's grip it's icy cold
A slime upon my skin
I struggle but cannot break it's hold
I am lost, this beast will win
My life is over, I'm approaching death
I have one desperate choice
I take my last, my deepest breath
And at the very top of my voice
I scream my very loudest scream
And wake up in bed in a cold sweat
What a relief it was just a dream
And one I hope I'll soon forget
A Grand-piece Keith! Gallops along due the simple rhyme scheme (always good, always effective)
and great word choice.,.
Perfectly captures the spirit of the season
Getting into the spirit of it, i like it
Spookily spectacular😱
Scary. I could visualizer every step home.