Fear! Fear! Arise the Fascists
Backed Italians, Germans too
All volunteers, of course, but one moment
All the equipment is brand new
Brave! Brave! Resist The Republic
Fighting hard for the good of man
Outgunned and outnumbered
Yet still they stand
Other nations just ignore this
Better a Fascist than Republican scum
Then blockadethe Spanish shoreline
As word ewaches, the Soviets come
Out of nowhere others are coming
Going against their governments
The brave Republic, all inspired
Those to do there, without repent
Sixty thousand followed the eardrum
Fifteen thousand never returned
Every death did cost a hero
League of Nations, incompetently turns
Madrid, Jaramare, Guadalajara too
Brunette, Belchjte and Terkel casualties new
Aragon and the Ebro, gave them the right
To say they fought with all their might
Les Marseille, , Internationale,
Red flags flying across the war
The International Brigades kept trying
To protect the Republic from the Fascist force
Eighty years have now passed us
European peace, a worthy prize
To all except a Russian Fascist
Who sees Ukraine with jealous eyes
Fear! Fear! Arise the Fascists
Come and aid the Ukrainian sons
Fear! Fear! Arise the Fascists
International Brigades, there is work to be done!