Shouldn’t rain go down the drain
With Autumnal skies it’s no surprise
That all we get is very wet
The wind is strong and lasts so long
The leaves are blown I’m all alone
Country walks become just talks
The lawns too wet it’s not dry yet
I walk the dog, trip over a log
Fall into the puddle I’m all of a muddle
The fires off I’ve got a cough
I think it’s flu I’m worse than you
It seems strange this weather change
This season’s cheer won’t reach here
I double me scarf just for a laugh
It’s such bad form I won’t keep warm
I hate the park when it is dark
I’m getting lost in the evening frost
The Autumn song is much too long
I shiver and pray for the first Spring day

Lovely stuff John, thank you!
Nothing nice about a wet autumn, good fun poem, thank you
Great rhyming and rhythm on the theme. Bravo