To reel about I flicks the switch -
see there is Magic, Poppins, Sting,
(without US taken, father’s track)
which could be horses in the ring.
I watched the children, poles apart,
excited by the fantasy
or anxious, crane for Dad’s return -
my cheer convinces barely me.
My choice, bored donkey, plod on sand,
insteed of sculpted wooden branch,
which takes me Trojan, school-hate gym,
derided student, Texas ranch.
So far from errant knights’ display,
a roust about the jousting field
with Lancelot and Guinevere,
manège enchanté, Camelot.
I am translated, French exam,
carousal mixed with carousel,
as roundabout, chevaux, cheveux,
my hairy drunks reeled in a spin.
Which brings me round full circle, films,
that Dick with Cockney gone astray,
sting in the tale and Zebedee,
spring in the tail, as ‘time for bed’.
For me this reads like a train of thought, bouncing from one memory to the next like the horses. like i