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Sue: overdue books

Writer: Julie WalkerJulie Walker

Justin and Sue moved into their new abode

Tracey and Tony lived over the road

Joanna lived just next door but one

on the corner: Dave, Cath and Alfie their son

Sue was excited about this new phase of her life

she really wanted to be a good wife

a mother, a lover and a cook

She'd read all about it in a library book

About how to keep a man happy so he didn’t stray

Sue wanted him to love her in every way

She set about learning to cook and to sew

gaining every skill a good wife should know

Justin worked hard, as good husbands do

Sue tidied, ironed and cleaned the loo

and scrubbed the floors until they shone

Trying to ensure she did nothing wrong

Justin and Sue met in the local pub

which really was a stroke of luck

If Sue had been earlier and Justin late

they wouldn’t have met; their meeting was fate

When Justin saw Sue, it was love at first sight

but when Sue saw Justin try as she might

it wasn’t love at first sight, but to be fair

Sue tried to love him, she tried to care

Six months of marriage they muddled along

trying to be happy, trying to get along

Justin did all he could think of for Sue

he really wanted her to love him too

On the day of the divorce, Justin cried

On the day of the divorce, Sue … lied

Justin walked away, lost and distraught

Sue went home, drank more than she ought

Sue brushed herself down, got on with her life

with husband number - eight - she would be a good wife

a mother, a lover and a cook

She'd read all about it in a library book


John Dallison
John Dallison

Great cautionary tale. - Reminds me of folks I know!


Jes Derry
Jes Derry

Sounds like that book should be taken of the shelf! A great write!

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