Spring Tide at Ballycastle
Luring me away from my glowing turf
Raging sounds of wind and surf
On a wild, wet night the spring tide beckons
White horses rear up and then pound the shore
Spray and foam devour the sand
The furious battle plays out between sea and land
Teary eyes watch gulls winging past at pace
Needles of icy rain and salt sting my face
The reek of dulse on the air
Heaving boats ride the swell, straining at their chains
Monstrous waves erupt, greedily engulfing the pier
Daring me to stand too near
The churning mass boils with menace -black and deep
The Rue Point light eerily repeats its sweep
Searching for sailors’ souls to keep
Very good. Took me back to long wet nights on the beach fishing for North Sea cod
Very emotive, I like the second verse. 😊