Drifting along, with no care for the score
Three quick, loud thuds
Did blast at my door
Opened it up, and to my surprise
Three jet black arrows, greeted my eyes
At the end of my path
A man of mystery stood
Aiming an arrow, with a well trained right eye
Should I be calling the FBI
Or closing my front door
The man began shouting,
My name is Welch
So sod off to Cardiff
And learn how to say it
Hi, came a voice from my right
I”m Hank Marvin
My heart it does bleed
But I am not going to plead
Just bugger off to Greggs..
if your starving
Well can I have my arrows
They need to ba within my sack
Or Cochise will be giving me the sicj
And then I got a whiff
Good God, who the hell called Cliff?
Hi, have you seen
My mate, Tony Meehan
I'm ready to groove it
You guys all know Move It