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Seasons: It’s All Academic

Writer: Alice CarrollAlice Carroll


Change of seasons

For no reason.

Divided the year into neat equal fourths.

Yet few of us experience such a perfect world.

This cranky girl will give it whirl.


Fall should start after the first freeze, making it easier to breathe.

Crisp cool air clears our brains and lungs.

The change of colors of foliage to blazing orange, yellow, and red,

look inviting till you realize they are uncontained forest fires.

Youngsters rake fallen leaves into piles.

The end of fall is upon us. NOT ready for change.

Everyone likes Fall, at any age.


The first snowfall is all pristine, clean, and white.

Enough is enough.

Snow wasn’t meant for humans to mess up.

Stuck inside for days.

We must bring our own sunshine wherever we go.

The joy of playing in snow grows old.

The end of winter is upon us. Ready for change.

These feelings, I cannot explain.


Spring should be the first season of a new calendar year.

Students are drawn outside to play, filling their lungs with fresh air.

Grass is greener and blooms are brighter.

Well-meaning gardeners spray copious amounts of Paraquat.

Enjoying picnics, hikes, sitting outside.

Brisk winds bring out the kites. Make daisy chains from clover.

The end of Spring is upon us. NOT ready for it to be over.


The heat of the Sun bears down on us long before summer has begun.

Blooming season slows down close to the beginning of summer.

By the end of summer, lawns are looking brown in patches; growth slows.

Kids, bored with summer fun, concoct crazy plans that can lead them to ruin.

Air is stilted and oppressive, making it hard to breathe.

Looking forward to cooler weather clearing the brain to think creatively.

The end of summer is upon us. Ready for change.

We all need more structure whatever the age.

The end of summer is upon us, ready for it to be over.

The end of the world is upon us, maybe someone will notice. *

*Climate change has been messing with the traditional concept of four seasons for a while now. Scientists have discovered that as the planet warms up by 0.1 to 0.2 degrees of latitude every decade, so that places that once had four seasons are shifting to having just two. But even in regions with four seasons, weather and temperature patterns have been altered. Across the United States, the shift from cold weather in the winter to warm spring temperatures happen earlier now than it did in the past, and the period of winter weather is shorter and milder. SOURCE: Kiger, PJ and Brown, D. How Stuff Works. “Is It Time to Redefine the Four Seasons of the Year?”,temperature%20patterns%20have%20been%20altered. Retrieved December 1, 2023


Alison Blevins
Alison Blevins
Dec 19, 2023

Always quirky, what a great take on a seasons poem. Thank you Alice


Nigel Smith
Nigel Smith
Dec 07, 2023

Classic Alice, you always bring something different to the table, and may I say how pleased I am to see you here and at Open Mic.

Nigel Smith
Nigel Smith
Dec 09, 2023
Replying to

All You Alice, all you!

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