I’m sitting in the garden
Soaking up the sun
I fall into a dream
A recurring theme
There’s something else needs to be done
Ah yes! I’m to sit Chemistry A level in five minutes
And I’ve done no revision
Since 1971.
I’m on a station platform
More than ninety miles away
From the Greenwich Park queue
For the Portaloo
On London Marathon day
No trains – just a replacement bus
So here I’ll have to stay.
My dreams are rarely scary
Occasionally I’ll knock
The lampshade off the bedside chest
And give myself a shock
I always must be somewhere else
Like an airport or a station
As I race against the clock
It came to life for real once
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
One plane was touching down
The other on final call for boarding
We sprinted through the airport
And flopped down in our seats
Something I’d rather not repeat
In my time-poor dystopia.
However long I’ve slept for
However calm the night
If I’ve had to race
To another place
And the timing has been tight
I wake up knackered, and I feel
Like seven shades of sh*te.
Great stuff…I have a recurring dream about a similar theme it’s more common than I thought, or so it would seem
Ooh brought back memories.
Love the flow
Let me know
If you write
In the night
Love to know...
I like the humour of your poem and the way rhythm matches the race against time. 😁
That's an entertaining poem and some of those anxiety moments I cab recognise