Noise grew stronger then out of the mist
Came the 3-lion banner it was Henry the 5th
His location could have been picked by the gods
Woods on each flank, which would even the odds
The French gathered at the top of the hill
Looking down at all the enemy they intended to kill
Their blood curdling screams surely the English would run
They outnumbered their opponents 5-1
Henry moved forward to get his archers into range
Same as 60 years ago, the tactics ingrained
Step forward the archers, they all had a yew bow
2000 arrows released all in one go
The excited French knights raced down the hill
Blood boiling and charging at will
Sheets of arrows take down more of the knights
Mayhem ensues as the battlefield gets tight
Galloping horses charging in this muddy paste
Suffocating knights, and knives lay waste
Line after line the French attack in new waves
The butchery continues with hatches and blades
Heavily armoured knights struggle in all the mud
Suffocated and crushed thud after thud
6000 French suffered the same fate
1415 every English man remembers the date
So many noblemen crushed and unable to ride
Some say this is the day chivalry died
Just watched 'The King" on Netflix. Agincourt filmed with realistic cinematography. I think you're right Paul, chivalry did die