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Writer: Darrell Troon Darrell Troon


No not really

Not that I recall

Maybe I may have moaned a bit

But no one was listening at all

My mother, now she protested

My hair was far to long

Blasting out Black Sabbath

Ozzie’ evil songs

My mother, now she protested

When I dyed my hair black

And on my leather jacket

Never mind the bollocks

Scratched into the back

My mother, now she protested

To many products in my hair

Flouncy shirts and makeup

The Human league and OMD

The New Romantic era

My mother now protests no more

I hope I’ve made her proud

I now dress very sensibly

But still like my music loud

3 commenti

Alison Blevins
Alison Blevins
07 feb 2023

Love it, I'm trying to imagine you in that jacket😁

Mi piace

John Dallison
John Dallison
05 feb 2023

So true, so true! I recall my mother telling me that her grandmother, in the 1920s, protested about her short skirts and bobbed hair.

Mi piace

A delightful twist on protest; I like it!

Mi piace
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