Up early in the morning
I do it most everyday,
Come home again after dark
To earn a decent pay.
You see one side, my darling man
I'm up soon after you.
Start my day almost at once
If I'm lucky I might get the chance
To have a cup of tea or two
And eat just when I can.
Playing with the children
Friends come for a chat
A little bit of housework
I'd like a job like that!
I'll swap then if you so concur
That all day I live the dream.
The supermarket - that's real fun
As long before that job is done
There'll be tantrums and a scream,
Is that something you'd prefer?
I've got a boss upon my back
I've targets to achieve,
Reach my goals or get the sack
Pressures you can't concieve.
Every day the same, so who am I?
Chief cook and bottle washer
Teacher, comforter and nurse.
I do it all chapter and verse
All skills I have to master
Sometimes I sit and cry.
Put like that you have a point
Perhaps I am the winner.
I'm off to watch the football,
What have we got for dinner?
NIce one
Love the format and humorously exploring the subject. My bet is your dinner is in the dog!
This is really interesting Keith - I like the contrast you have created between the two voices. They definitely are each their own person. The female voice is particularly good where you have captured both the love for her husband and family set against the melancholy of her life. Fab!