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Hello lovely Poets and seasonal greetings to every one of you and a happy birthday to our little collective. It's been 12 months since we decided that the poets from Parkinson's Art would not give up but would arise from the ashes and create the Poets' Wall. What a great year we've had since. It started with just Nigel and I wondering what to do next but with help from Rina, Ali and you, we now have a thriving site and a growing community.


Between us we've posted 1,052 poems with 13,000 views by 1,800 different people in 35 countries. We're holding regular events in both English and German, have nearly 100 registered supporters including 56 signed-up poets. We had our first in-person event in Germany, and our words have featured in podcasts, social media, magazines, and even on the Piccadilly lights in London. Not bad for year one.


Next year we hope for more of the same and would like to deliver some of the things we didn't get around to in 2023, like an anthology, some workshops and more social activities. Unfortunately running the site doesn't come free so we need to ask you to visit our crowdfunding page again this year please. In the spirit of the collective we don't want corporate sponsors or fixed membership fees but if you can spare just £5, or 5 Euro each that would be enough. Every penny goes into our work for Poets with Parkinson's Follow this link .


Meanwhile our final event of the year is our Christmas Party on Zoom on Monday 18th December. This one is for Members only and the plan is for more chat and fun than actual poetry - Although there's always room for a seasonal sonnet or two. Please register early especially if you want to join the Poets' Secret Santa or play Ali's "Never Have I Ever" game. There's no need to send in your poems this time just bring yourself. Normal Open Mic will be back in January.


Wishing Peace and Love to you all and a Happy Christmas


 The Team from The Wall

This newsletter has been emailed to our contact list but reproduced here as some people have had probblems receiving our mail. Please check your junk mail box



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