I opened the drawer a feat of persistence
The wood swollen endorsed its tight fit
Released with a shriek of intense resistance
It surrendered the battle for the status quo
Contents passed over by my lazy eye
Dismissing the lacklustre and insignificant
Until my peripheral vision alighted on the unlit
The brown round bowl of crafted pipe dreams
My search grabbed the goal of new context
Locating the classic curve of the stem
It’s sleek form extended from filter to lip
Joined by mortice and tenon to the bowl’s shank
Assembled family heirloom piped up
With grand recollections of a storyteller
Who put adventure in his pipe and smoked it
Igniting his grandsons bedtime imagination
The tobacco aroma, atmosphere of anecdote
I inhaled his humour and piped up with laughter
No smoke without fire but a twist in the pipeline
Revealed as the smoke parts is no leadpipe cinch
The legend of Grandpa an epic blend of exploits
Filtered through my mind as I held the pipe
Mystical mysteries of a bard now at rest
My legacy now or maybe his pipe of peace