I was once afraid of the blank page,
did I think it might bite?
I'll be honest with you,
I think I thought it might.
If you're also intimidated by an empty page,
here's my tip to you.
Just write down some random words,
‘The quick brown fox’ will do.
Now, glance at the paper,
take a look at what you’ve done.
The page is no longer blank,
your writing has begun.
It's time to let your thoughts drift,
and your emotions to roam free.
Release your imagination,
pause, think and believe.
Allow your mind to meander,
to wander wherever you wish.
You can write about anything,
such as; friends, foals or fish.
Thriller, sonnet or romance,
rambling or short and sweet.
When your masterpiece is finished,
be proud, it is unique.
You could frame it on the wall,
or lock it in a chest of drawers.
You might decide to publish,
the decision is yours.
Traditional, indie or self,
if publishing is for you.
Or just make your own books,
with paper, ink and glue.
When your book is complete,
and you really can’t do any more.
You can visit it on the shelf,
of your local bookstore.