Dark eyes intent upon me all the day,
Warm body pressed against me all the night.
With joy she leaps upon me when I wake
anointing me with kisses of delight.
My every move is shadowed in obsession
and should I chance to meet or talk with friends,
hot jealousy that boils with aggression
transforms her features till I make amends.
Returning home she runs around in joy.
I gently stroke her silky, curling hair
and feed her treats, or fetch a favourite toy.
She looks on me with love beyond compare
and promises to ever be my slave
to do my bidding if i will but stay.
I tell her firmly how she should behave
And scold each deviation from the day.
Ignoring me and everything I’ve said
she wags her tail and runs back to our bed.
I wondered where this was going and thought there might be a twist, what a loving tribute.