There’s nothing quite like dyskinesia It’s like a movement amnesia.
The waving of head, the twitching of arms It’s really not one of my elegant charms
The brain is a very wonderful thing. Mine is selective in what it can bring,
It just needs enhancing to stop all this dancing.
The dopamine levels all vary and then the movement’s quite scary.
I shimmy and shake. But just by mistake.
It makes me quite shy, and then when I try
To talk in the group I’m out of the loop
My volumes too low and I wanted to show
I was part of the chat, but no one hears that
My speech is now fading, I need it upgrading
The process is slow and I want you to know
I’m as sharp as I was and it’s only because
There’s a gap before speech when the brains out of reach
Its like there’s a filter when my thoughts out of kilter
By the time It’s selected the words are rejected
The topic has changed my response would seem strange
It’s slow and it’s hard to play the Parkinson’s card
It’s not for faint hearted your brain has departed
From normal responses and your only conscious
That it’s not the same which is quite a shame
But friends are the key they get used to me
I’m happy enough even though it is tough

Nice work John , I recognise many of your symptoms and problems. It can be difficult when faced with adversity, but I believe laughter really is the best medicine. Keep smiling , keep writing and sketching .
Nice job John!
Again, I like the style... grim realities faced with humour...