I was born in the land of coal
With blood from every part of these Isles
Where Odin still has his hand
Disguised by Christian wiles
Balderdash! The Church may shout
But my statement has some clout
When I give some evidence
What I said, will make more sense
Let us start at the end that is sharp
The biggest Christian days
December it is Yule,
King Hakon he did change the rule
One day for each Apostle
Death for any that reach Thirteen
Easter, that is surely safe,
The Church needed to grab it
We will find a story later
To explain the eggs and rabbits
Easter, as the Goddess is named
Loved to hear our children laugh
So on the hares a spell she laid
Egg laying rabbits are here to stay
Munna’s day is followed by Tyr’s
Woden’s day has Thor’s close behind
Frigga, Saturnlia Sunna too
Make up your week, more proof for you
Every piece of military kit
Has the same mark somewhere on it
Tyr’s Rune you will still see
The Army is Runed up for Victory
Your Christmas tree, that you raise each year
Is Yggdrasil, Odin's Throne
The Baubles and tinsel represent
The other worlds where Odin goes
Way back in Byzantium, Viking Guards Constantine did have
Each a Hammer in sight was worn
Constantine he wished to learn
Just what the Hammer meant
When they explained the might of Thor
It sounded better than the Christian fish
Turning the Hammer around on its head
He found himself with a Cross instead
The miraculous fish were seen no more