For my true love.
Picture the scene, an aged, battle hardened knight of old ,who has been away for many years, finally arrives victorious, back at his castle and calls out to his true love, up high in yonder window.
I have returned my love, from lands far across the sea,
I have returned, …..for with my true love I doth long to be,
No man nor beast could stop me, from coming home to thee.
I have fought many battles, and I bring treasures and much duty free.
Along the way,I had to fight the mighty dragon,
he was as mean, as mean could be
I poked out his eyes with my walking stick,
so that he could no longer see .
Then I hit him over the head with it,….what’s that my love?
Well it killed him stone dead since thou asketh.
for to spend the night in thine arms, my love,
I would gladly taketh on any tasketh.
Speak louder my love, for I can hear thee not,
because all my good subjects are cheering ,
What is it thou doth say my love?
did I not knoweth….that now …….thou art…..a what..?…a vegan ???!
Mark Crump dec24 ©️
Ha, ha, ha! Love it - made me smile :-)