Today We Remember..
The Young, the Old
The Innocent, the Bold
The Frightened, the Brave
We Stand at the Grave
The Bell Tolled
Today We Pray..
For the Fathers, the Sons
For all the Loved Ones
At Home and Away
In the Peace of the Day
The Salute of the Guns
Today We Think of..
Those we never Met
Those we owe a Debt
We can Never Repay
Remembrance Day
Lest we forget ❤️
GCP 24
As I was reading this it kept screaming 'song' at me. So I took the liberty of running the words through an AI music generator and put a video together...I hope you like it?
I will be wearing my Poppy and shedding a tear in silence, for all those who lost their lives, to whom we owe a debt we can never repay.