The harder you try to crack a joke
The louder people moan
You have to find more subtle ways
To tickle their funnybone
The best gags come by accident
You’re just grooving along
You open your mouth, and Mrs Malaprop
Hijacks your tongue
My friend asked me “What dog is that?”
I didn’t think it over
Replying with great confidence
“Oh that’s a black Land Rover”
We laughed a bit, caught each other’s eye
And then we laughed some more
She didn’t feel the need to say
“I think you mean Labrador”
So grab the gaffes, enjoy them
It wasn’t my intent
To make you smile – but never mind
You all knew what I meant.
I strongly believe that humour is the best way for me to tackle my problems/symptoms.
Good stuff keep it up 👍
I was at a meeting of parkies and strokies yesterday where people were discussing the modest price of a handy phone app. Someone said "That's not exuberant, is it?" and people agreed. We didn't feel the need to correct him.
You hit the nail on the head with this one.😁
Very good. Definitely hits the brief. A comedic poem about jokes
Reminded me of the time a friend’s mother spotted an Old English Sheepdog and announced, “There’s one of those lovely Durex dogs.”