I've just read a few of the poems
Written down on this very wall
Those that are comic, are always a tonic
They're the ones I enjoy most of all
'Cause there's nothing funny about PD
Right down to my face that's just flat
So a light hearted story ,is not one that bores me
Is there anything wrong with just that?
Poetry can be a strong medium
To express thoughts from A through to Z
I find that I write, in the middle of the night
When I can't get to sleep in my bed
The next day can't read what I've written
Getting dressed is becoming a chore
So a light hearted rhyme, can't be such a crime
There'll always be room for some more
Take my meds have a cup and look forward
To the words that you might put down
As I sit here and strain, most times it's in vain
Put a smile on my face not a frown
Absolutely - well done
I like a bit of laughter. But then I like a bit of tragedy too. Without shade there is no light
Laughter really is the best medicine, I heartily recommend two loud guffaws and several sniggers per day , topped off with a good belly, laugh just before bed. Not forgetting a good few giggles when ever possible. more power to your pen Keith
Hear! Hear! Could not agree more. Well said.
Well said (in both senses)!