Premessa: questa poesia è in dialetto piemontese, segue la traduzione in inglese
La storia le bela
Mi ‘m ricord ‘d me nonu
seta’ s’la porta ‘d ca,
che travaiand sue gure, um diva a mi masnà:
“Vötu chi’t cunta la storia ‘d Maria Vittoria?
La storia le bela, fa piasì cuntela
Votu chi’t la cunta?”
E mi chitand ‘d giuè, diva:
“si nonu cunta, cunta chi voi suntì!”
Ma chel alura um diva:
“Té rispundume si,
si’t rispundavi no mi la cuntava.”
E peu u tacava turna:
“Votu chi’t cunta la storia ‘d Maria Vittoria?
La storia le bela fa piasì cuntela
Votu chi’t la cunta?”
E mi cunvinta I’d feira alura i diva “No!”
E m’ suntiva rispunde:
“Te rispundume no,
Si’t rispundavi si mi la cuntava.”
Da granda ij ö capì
‘l sense ‘d sa tiritera,
a surviva a mustré
cum fe cun cui che
chi’t fasi bianc o neir
fa sempre istess..
Va sempre ma’.
Ti va per la tua stra
te ti chi’t devi dì
sa l’é giusta o sbagliá.
E lasa che cheilì…
I stugnu scuntentá!

The story is fine
I remember my grandfather
working her rushes, she told me as a child:
“Will that I tell you Mary Victoria’s story?
Fine is the story and funny to be told,
do you want me to tell you?”
And soon, stopping my play, I said :
“Yes grandpa tell it, tell that I want hear it!”
But he told me:
“You answer YES to me,
if you say NO I tell it”
And again he kept saying:
“Will that I tell you Mary Victoria’s story?
Fine is the story and funny to be told,
do you want me to tell you?”
And I, sure to make it, said: “No”
And I heard him to say:
“You answered “No” to me,
if you had answered “YES” I’d told it to you…”
When I grow up I understood
the meaning of this joke was to teach us
how to deal with people
that never are satisfied ,
if you do blac or white
it’s always bad
And always is the same…
Now go along your way
Are You that have to say
if it is right or wrong.
And let that those…
stay unhappy for long!
I love this type of poem, memories recalled, stories told, and this group do them so well!