A relapse to some juvenile rubbish, or so my wife called it. Apologies for her profanity- not sure what provoked her...
Just For A Lark
I want to write a love poem about birds
My heartfelt admiration in words
The feathered variety, just to be clear
Nothing too weird, nothing to see here
A true masterpiece, the best ode of my life
So I seek the advice of my wife
My go to when ideas are shining most bright
She tells me if they’re sugar or shite
The subjects are a bonnie pair of Great Tits
She tells me I am losing my wits
“How about a lone Woodcock, Boobie or Thrush?”
Tersely she says, “No! Now will you shush?”
“The Satanic Goatsucker or Roughfaced Shag?”
She rolls her eyes, she spots a red flag
“A Smoky Bush Tyrant or a Horned Screamer?”
I sense a shift in her demeanour
“I’ve got it, the title is The Rare Black Chough,”
“That’s it”, she says, “I have heard enough,”
Tentatively I ask, “What rhymes with Jackdaw?”
She looks at me straight, “Feckin’ hee-haw!”
This made me laugh out loud because it reminded me of my husband so much If he wrote poetry this is what it would be like. Well done and thank you for making me smile.
Great fun
Love it. I enclose a little avian limerick for you…..
A young ornithologist called Buck
Showed me a picture he took,
He said “it’s a very rare bird “,
I said “don’t be absurd ,
It’s not a short necked goose , it’s a duck
I now know what a smoky bush-tyrant looks like and that in Scotland hee-haw means b****r all! You have to dig deep on here! Well done.