When life gets rowdy
Down the village square
I’m told to “Wade in.”
“just Grow a Pear”
Now I’m no gardener
I live in a flat
But if Pears grow in rivers
I’ll eat my hat.
So I planted a pip
It grew out of reach
I’m told “in the Pear world”
“It’s a real Peach “
Now totally confused
With this fruity fayre
Have I grown a Peach
Or grown a Pear?
It's time for dinner
I’ll just have a scoop
My favourite dish
Hot Bowler soup!
GCP 24
This is the kind of stuff that reassures me that there are other people in the world who are as delightfully barking as I am...
A clever little peach of a ditty, nice one
Clever wordplay. Made me smile.