God told me one day
I have a gift for you
But you’re not the only one
I’m giving it to
Sketching and painting
Will be your new skill
Writing poetry and stories
Simply at will
Who else will have
This wonderful gift bestowed?
Oh thousands of people
you don’t even know
Still lives, portraits
and landscapes too
Just a few of the gifts
I’m heaping on you
Use acrylics, watercolor
Or even oil
Create awesome artwork
Whenever you toil
Haiku, sonnets and limericks galore
Just wait and see
What you have in store
But there’s a drawback
to receiving this present
You will also receive Parkinson’s
And that’s not so pleasant
Nightmares, tremors
Slurred speech and stumbling gait
Oh please tell me more
I can hardly wait
Stiff muscles, blank looks
And drool on my shirt
I don’t like this gift
I’m not sure of it’s worth
Well I can’t take it back
So don’t even try
And it will do you no good
To sit there and cry
So just try and deal with it
As best as you can
And try and understand
Why it’s part of the plan