Inspired by themes in Rose, Martin and Stephen's poems.
To paraphrase an old song,
my sight has no impediment,
now that the rain has gone,
my focus crystallised,
what will come will come,
future’s fog weaved on horizon’s loom,
had obscured what’s right in front of me,
but with the first rays of morning sun,
your love cast its warming light,
lifted the haze and melted my fear,
your breath the rising breeze,
which parted the clouds of wasted worry,
your soft touch the guide,
back to the here and now
and gratitude for what I have.
Love the Johnny Nash reference
Wonderful, I felt I was waking up with the poem, beautifully done.
I find plenty of good creative reflection here to ponder; from 'Epiphany', 'horizon's loom', 'wasted worry', 'gratitude for what I have'.... And all without a breath!