Empathy Running on Empty
You said you ran out of petrol
on the way to your forest run.
Not seeing the wood
for the trees I said.
You said you had to freewheel
back down the hill to the garage.
Necessity is the mother
of invention I said.
You said the petrol pumps were busy
when you had passed them.
A stitch in time
saves nine I said.
You said the queues were massive
and you were late.
The early bird
gets the worm I said.
Fail to prepare and prepare
to fail I said.
You said I was
a sanctimonious prick.
Profanity is the effort of
a feeble brain I said.
You knew I was right because
you said nothing.
Very clever - I enjoyed this. My dad always said all that swearing did was demonstrate a lack of vocabulary the irony was, that Billy Connolly was his favourite comedien.
Like the title. Could you expand on it in the poem?
I enjoyed this Very much,very funny, however, ladies can remember every time we’ve upset them since 1976, so you should be on your guard for at least the next 10 years or so ….. verse four reminds me of a great line by Les Barker who said “the early bird gets the worm, but it is the second mouse that gets the cheese, “. Wise words ndeed.
Love it. Who needs empathy when platitudes will do?
Your on thin ice with the missus, very brave! Love the structure,nice one