Harmless cartoons or perpetuating damaging stereotypes?
Drawing The Line
The modern world has me confused
We’re so all PC and woke
I’m all for social justice but
Common sense now seems a joke
Snow White’s a victim say Me Too
The prince has stolen a kiss
What is next for cartoon icons
Has it really come to this?
Mickey wants to be called Minnie
Mind your pronouns when talking
Tom’s cohabiting with Jerry
Roadrunner alleges stalking
Daffy has joined Black Lives Matter
Topcat claims police abuse
Cinders is a modern day slave
Pinocchio tweets false news
Sleeping Beauty’s had rohipnol
Prince Charming is in the frame
Popeye’s dealing anabolics
Betty Boop’s now on the game
Bugs Bunny is wearing braces
Sates his body obsession
Droopy’s seeing a therapist
Who talks through his depression
Princes can be predators, prone
To jiggery-pokery
Plain abuse of a sleeping girl
Or excessive wokery?
Should Prince Charming now be cancelled?
A dinosaur of his time
Needing consent is common sense
Help! Where do you draw the line?
I’m just expressing my confusion. My first reaction was come on it’s just a cartoon but the more I thought about it, the more uneasy I felt with perpetuating the idea to girls that they need to be rescued by a handsome prince.
Excellent work!! The world needs more common sense.
I’m currently working on the new woke versions of nursery rhymes myself.
I shall send them to you when I’m finished
Keep up the good work 👍