This Night of bliss
Love’s perfect kiss
Oh, how I’ll miss..
Your warm embrace
Our special place
Oh, how I’ll face..
Those hours ahead
Loves lonely bed
Oh, how I’ll thread..
True lovers knot
Forget me not
Oh, how I’ll plot
To keep you near
I Love you dear
Oh, how I’ll fear
Night's shift to day
Dark steals away
Oh, how I’ll pray
It's not the end
Loves knotty friend
So, now I’ll end
Love to find
Never mind!
GCP 25
She loves me, she loves me knot, she loves me.....❤️ 💔 ❤️
Is this the essence of Aubade....?
I agree with Martin. Love the imagery and title. But was depressed after reading it. Suppose that is why I write funny poems. My spouse is left-brained mathematician, not in knot theory. Such is my world.
I agree with previous comments, well written
I like the imagery of the knot - tangled limbs, tangled lives, the difficulties of love
Thanks Alison
I've rewritten part x