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December Tautogram

Bored and playing with words I thought I would try a Tautogram and then complicated it by doing it in Sonnet form. Well it makes sense to me :-)

When darkness dims the advent decorations,

deers, Donner, Dasher and Dancer diarize

our dining and drinking day of devastation.

Dad does the dishes dancing as he dries.

December drags for dopamine deficient,

depression doesn’t dull dynamic dreams.

Deluded doctor dignified but distant

delivers diagnosis that demeans.

Disturbing dreams do drive us to depravity

A desperate dervish doing dirty deeds

Decay determines dominant duality

defence diminished by diverse degrees.

Don’t dodge your doom, you doubtful devotees

Deal with it dudes, don’t be defined by a disease!



John Dallison
John Dallison
Jan 07, 2023

Hi Martin,

Your sonnet has it all... Form, style and content... Bravo!

Unknown member
Feb 08, 2023
Replying to

Thank you John. I enjoyed the mental challenge of adding the Tautogram element

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