Oh Covid
How you longed to be loved
Across continents
Across seas
You pushed and shoved
Through care homes
Through schools
Beating young and old
On you travelled
On you spread
Infecting meek and bold
In the days
In the nights
You shared your spray
Never stopping
Never pausing
For the time of day
Amongst sadness
Amongst grief
Hope gained ground
From Oxford
From Pfizer
Vaccines were found
Less patients
Less nurses
Relieved the stress
On wards
On theatres
Across the NHS
Lives ruined
Lives lost
Life stories blocked
From hearts
From Minds
Truths unlocked
Stay careful
Stay safe
Masked and gloved
Be wary
Be cautious
Covid still longs to be loved.
GCP April 24
I like the short lines and briefness of the verses - it makes it punchy especially with the stark reminder at the end.
A nice warning at the end. Know you are loved!