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Choosing My Religion

Writer: Liz StarbuckLiz Starbuck

Amongst the nettles and dock weeds 

I kneel as if I am praying

And I am not saying I am worshipping this ground, these sods

But if I was to worship anything it would be this not any of those man made gods

I would make an altar to the grass around me

Make sacrifices to the trees I see

And the rushes yellowed with time

I cannot think of a better God to choose as mine

Than those limp leaves

Which have helped me breath

Given their own life for the next generation 

That know their task, their duty, their station 

I would worship the seeds that spread themselves to survive 

The crumbled soil with beetles, ants and worms

So much that is alive

The flying insects

The birds who fly with such precision

Nature has no dilemma, it knows,

it has no indecision

This is real, this is life, this has breathe

This will hold me, this will reach me,

This will live with me

Only this can set me free

As I kneel among the dock weeds and nettles 

I know that I can exist here

I can see nature big and small 

This god that is omnipresent

This nature that surrounds us all



Alison Blevins
Alison Blevins
Jul 05, 2024



Martin Pickard
Martin Pickard
Jul 04, 2024

Such a spiritual, deep feeling to this. I love it


Nigel Smith
Nigel Smith
Jul 04, 2024

You're spoiling us Liz, this made me tear, such was the connection that I found, like Ivy, it slowly took me in its wrap , tighter until I could feel the earth's pulse. I felt the peace and comfort of familiar, the special place that's ours alone, most of us have an old bench in the park, a Wood, bit of shoreline. Your writing is as fab as I remember Liz but there's a different vibe, less full on , more reflective. deeper from the silence that sings I suspect, (mediative state between everyday consciousness and eastern practice , no Ommmmmms needed)


Paulette Mehta
Paulette Mehta
Jun 30, 2024

Beautiful. Very pantheism and very spiritual. A true religion t o which everyone can subscribe.


Stephen Kingsnorth
Stephen Kingsnorth
Jun 29, 2024

Without pursuing a theological discussion, as a retired Methodist minister, I agree with 95% of the substance of the poem, and 100% of the spirit of it! Great!

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