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And with that she was gone

Writer: markcrump2010markcrump2010

Updated: Feb 14

You are….

You are the  fish and I’m the chips,

You are the carrot baton to my salsa dip,

You are the cheese to my pineapple chunk,

You are the click that goes with my clunk.

You’re the puncture repair kit , for my bikes flat tyre,

You are a pair of bellows , fanning the flames of my desire

We belong together like cheese and onion,

You are the straight one ,I am the funny un.

You are the cherry on top of my trifle,

Like a Parisian landmark, you’re  a fabulous eyeful

You’re a secret that I would never reveal,

You are the glocken to my spiel .

If I were a human cannonball,

you’d be the safety net into which I would fall

with you, there are no ifs or buts,

If we were squirrels, I’d show you where I keep my nuts,

you promised me that you wouldn’t go,

and when you did I felt so low,

“I can’t exist, without  your kiss.

so I’m going throw myself into the abyss.”

Because without You…

I’m just a donkey at the races

I’m a pair of boots without any laces,

I’m a clapped out car with a flat tire,.

I’m the dying embers of a fire,

I’m a banged up crook who’s all out of luck,

I’m  the distant echo of a solitary duck,

I’m prince Harry at a family event,

I’m Katie Hopkins, in the gay pride tent ,

I’m Lionel Blair, without his flares

I’m a dining table without any chairs

I’m trapped in your lights like a startled rabbit,

I’m an unsightly  stain on a nun’s clean white habit,

I don’t think I can take much more of this,

I’m going to throw myself into the abyss

“Oh Kevin ,  stop being so bloody melodramatic ,

you’re dinner is in the oven, I’m going to  bingo ”

…and with that she was gone

Mic/feb 24


Brilliant, ahd me chuckling. Thank you.


Jim Read
Jim Read
Feb 20

Very witty, laugh out loud funny, love it.


That was a rollercoaster. I felt for you. Lucky she didn't say ' your dinner is in the cat's!


Hilarious, Well done


I thought this is sweet must be for valentine, then it all went bitter with hopeless loss. And then BAM! You are a bingo widow. Ha ha I didn’t see that coming well done

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