Blue Planet
In thick strokes, raging torrents, mighty falls
on a wash of rolling mists, morning dew,
vast oceans, April showers, autumn squalls,
in azure water colours paint Earth blue;
Look deep in this seascape, corals dying,
glaciers dissolving to mountain streams,
change dripping ever fast, still denying,
clinging like limpets to futile wet dreams;
As polluting greed, consumerism floats
our planet's drowning, shall we swim or sink
or go with the flow, our paddleless boat
till ravagers, rebels are both extinct;
the warming tide, sewage and plastic creeps,
Mother Nature dies, the blue planet weeps.
Sadly poignant, a great poem.
Not the best legacy we're leaving for our children, but none the less, your poem speaks the undisputable truth.