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Billy, Bone & The Litter Pickers

Writer: Keith TraylingKeith Trayling

I posted the first Billy & Bone children's story back in September. I have written five stories in all and they all have an enviromental theme. So here's number two.

Now Billy ws a good boy,

Liked to lend a helping hand.

Today he decided to make a start

On something he had planned.

Mummy and Daddy had talked at breakfast

About the rubbish thrown away.

In streets and parks and country lanes,

It was happening every day.

I could do something, thought Billy.

Not sit here and just moan.

Clearing litter can't be hard.

"And I can help!" barked Bone.

"A rubbish bag and gloves," said Billy,

"Is all that we will need."

Bone looked up, and with a bark

Said, "And don't forget my lead!"

So off they went together

Excited with their plan.

Setting an example is always good

Just doing the best that you can,

Billy kept his eyes peeled.

Bone's nose was on the ground.

Between them they missed nothing,

Lifting everything they found.

Soon their bags were full right up

Billy slung his on his back.

People asked him on his way home,

"Billy, what's that in your sack?"

"Rubbish," said Billy, "that people threw away.

We're a litter picking team.

If a few more people did the same,

What a difference that would mean."

"Clean streets," barked Bone, wagging his tail.

"No mess in the park where we play.

Clean lakes and ponds and running streams,

If we start this right away."

The day was coming to an end

Deep in thought, they headed home.

"This plan's got legs!" Billy exclaimed.

"And I've got four!" barked Bone.

So Billy and Bone told all their friends,

And said "Let's get together. Next Saturday is warm and dry

I've already checked the weather.

There'll be no chance of any rain

Let's start at 9 o'clock sharp".

'Hope I've got time for breakfast.'

Panicked Bone with a tiny bark.

So at 9 o'clock that Saturday

Boys and girls from Billy's school

Arrived with rubbish bags and gloves,

Billy said, "Now, remember this golden rule,

Stay on the pavement or on the grass

Only crossing the road if you must.

Look left and then look to the right

And cross with someone you trust."

Off they all set in different directions

Saying, "Let's meet in an hour on the green."

Billy felt good as he watched them go,

All of them were ever so keen.

Time soon passed, and when they got back

Their bags were full to the brim.

Everyone said it had been such fun

And when could they do it again.

Some of the parents were also there

To surprise them all with a treat.

Chocolate biscuits, cake and lemonade,

And all the dogs got some meat.

What a good job they had done today

The streets were all nice and clean.

The birds in the trees were all singing,

No rubbish anywhere could be seen.

Billy and Bone sat down by a tree

In his head he thought somebody spoke.

That voice sounds familiar, thought Billy,

It sounds just like Isambark Oak.

"We all can't do great things," he started,

"But we can all do small things, and learn how to give.

And just that will make a big difference

To the world in which we all live."

"The two of you have set an example."

He said, in that deep friendly tone.

"What shall we do next?" asked Billy.

"Maybe play with my ball?" barked Bone!


1 Comment

Alison Blevins
Alison Blevins
Dec 19, 2023

Have you ever thought of sharing your stories and poems for childre with your local library? They often have guest readers in.

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