It is coming up to Valentine's Day so this is my tribute to my someone special who makes living with PD bearable.
Beautiful Dawn
I’ve taken the time
To pencil this rhyme
Not another I hear you yawn
But this one is new
No further ado
It is for my beautiful Dawn
She’s the kinda spouse
You’d love round the house
The sort it’s rare to discover
She gives me a smile
When once in a while
She tickles under the cover
Her cooking’s not good
Aye burns all the food
But these things don’t really matter
If it comes to crunch
You can just buy lunch
Instead of ash on your platter
We both like a sip
A holiday trip
Happiest when lying together
Choosing places to dine
With glasses of wine
I’d say two birds of a feather
Some say of their wife
They’re nothing but strife
She, I’ll always love and dote on
When life gets me down
I feel I might drown
She’s the lifesaver I float on
At times when I shake
And extra time I take
It makes me feel less of a man
With Dawn at my side
I’m bursting with pride
So I’ll do the best that I can
I choke back tears
To think of my fears
Of loss if it came to the worst
Although I’d be glad
Of the love we’ve had
I’m gonna make sure I go first
Waking in the morn
I admire her form
Gorgeous line of her neck and spine
She’s more than a wife
The meaning of life
An angel, so truly divine
I’m not one for God
But with her I’m awed
Love her till my last breath is gone
So I’ll kneel and pray
Give thanks for the day
He created my beautiful Dawn
What a beautiful expression of love, thank you .
So much love, She sounds perfect
Wonderful Jarlath, simply but overflowing with emotion and love. Looking forward to more of your work
She must really be special to deserve a poem as good as this well done