Are you there? Can you hear me above the cacophony of voices?
He who shouts , the loudest gets heard, they say.
For you to hear me, shouting is not the way.
I'll be quiet, I promise. I just want to be here.
Next to you, holding your hand , in silence.
We understand the comfort in silence
Oh how our thoughts flow so fast its intense.
I'm here for you, I promise but the noise drowns you out.
I want to hear, to see, to hold you but I haver
I'm clumsy in my stride, my voice quivers
But please know, I'm steadfast and I'll never waver.
I love the vulnerability in this. The conflict between noise and silence echoes your inner doubts
This really resonated with me Rose - I find it increasingly hard to keep up with conversations and find myself disappearing into the back ground unable to communicate in the way I used to but with my husband there is no need of words.
An enjoyable read- candid with a genuine honesty