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A Movement Disorder

Writer: Martin PickardMartin Pickard

Updated: Feb 18, 2024

The textbooks will tell you this Parkinson’s curse

is a movement disorder but we know it’s worse

than that sounds, with a cocktail of symptoms to face.

Some all of us have, some are less commonplace

There’s one about which people don’t often speak.

See, I haven’t had a movement all week.

I’ve a pill for the shakes and some more for the night,

for BP and depression and all kinds of shite.

I do exercise, physio, tai chi and circuits.

They tell us the effort will prove to be worth it.

Perfecting those Parkinson’s Warrior techniques.

But I haven’t had a movement all week.

I start every day with a handful of prunes,

apricots, linseeds and figs are consumed

All mixed up with porridge and water galore

and muesli that looks like it’s swept off the floor.

A fibre filled brew, a taste that's unique

but I haven’t had a movement all week

They said that a movement consultant might work.

So, I walked up and down, and he gave me a jerk.

He poked and he prodded me head down to toes

Made me tap both my fingers and point at my nose

Then he asked me to give him my personal critique

I said I haven’t had a movement all week.

So, I wait in the loo for the first sign of action

With crosswords and novels providing distraction

and wide-open windows for fresh ventilation.

I’ve even tried chanting and zen meditation

But none of them bring the result that I seek

Cos, I haven’t had a movement all week

I drink water distilled with medicinal flowers,

laxatives, softeners, purges and powders

I am pleased to announce the success of these potions

as early this morning the house passed a Motion

and my stomach returned to its usual physique

cos I hadn’t had a movement all week.

So to speak

I hadn’t had a movement all week.

What a freak

I hadn’t had a movement all week.



Unknown member
Feb 18, 2024

Thank you, this is very, very good. And very clever.


Alistair Scott
Alistair Scott
Feb 18, 2024

I've just come across this, as a result of the current M&S podcast. It's very true, and a distressing and inconvenient aspect of Parkinsons. But you have dealt with it using a light touch. Brilliant! It deserves to be more widely circulated 😁😁😁


Unknown member
Dec 24, 2022

funny and true

Unknown member
Jan 02, 2023
Replying to

Thank you. I’m very pleased with this one

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